Asian Winged Bean Drucken Kommentare


Bohnensorte: andere Bohne (z.B. Meterbohne, Hyazinthbohne)
Farbanzahl: einfarbig
Grundfarbe: braun
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Korngröße (getrocknet im Durchschnitt):

Andere Namen: keine bisher bekannt


Diese Sorte wurde am 22.03.2018 um 17:19 Uhr von saritabee hinzugefügt.

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From Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds:
"(Psophocarpus tetragonolobus.) This is one of the most unique beans; it produces delicious pods with four winged edges, the leaves are cooked like spinach and the roots have a delicious, nutty flavor. This high-protein bean is an excellent crop and is so useful in the kitchen. The plants are tropical and do best in warm areas. They will not produce well when the days are long, so it may not yield until fall. Soak seeds 24 hours before planting. We have had a hard time keeping any winged beans on the shelf ever since Mother Earth News ran an article on this bean."

saritabee - 23.03.2018, 16:35
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