Othello Pinto Drucken Kommentare


Bohnensorte: Buschbohne (Phaseolus vulgaris var. nanus)
Farbanzahl: einfarbig
Grundfarbe: beige-braun
weitere Farbe: braun
Korngröße (getrocknet im Durchschnitt):

Andere Namen: keine bisher bekannt

Herkunft: Washington, USA

Diese Sorte wurde am 01.02.2018 um 05:47 Uhr von saritabee hinzugefügt.

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From Victory Seeds:
"95 days — The bush-type plants of 'Othello' Pinto beans are vigorous and although early and relatively small, very productive. Its pods reach three to four inches long, are flat in cross-section, and are green in color. Although they can be used for snap beans when harvested at the young and tender stage, 'Pinto' beans, as a market category of beans, are primarily grown to maturity and used as a dry bean.
'Othello' Pinto beans were developed by the USDA to be more disease resistant than earlier Pinto bean varieties. They exhibit an effective resistance to root rot (Fusarium solani), resistance to Curly Top Virus and to all strains of the Bean Common Mosaic Virus prevalent in North America.
According to the USDA, even though plants are small and very early maturing, 'Othello' is one of the highest yielding bean cultivars with seeds that are plump and bright, ". . . with a cooked flavor and nutritional quality equal to the best in its market class." Introduced in 1987. USDA accession number PI 578268. Each ounce is approximately 80 seeds."

saritabee - 26.02.2018, 05:51
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